If you are reading this, you are probably going through your ballot and trying to make an informed choice. Thank you for voting! My name is Chris Reykdal and I hope to earn your vote as I seek re-election to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). There are huge differences in experience, values, and achievements between me and my opponent. This side-by-side is as clear as we can make it, but please check out the rest of the website to learn more about my endorsements, policy values, and even some public education myth-busting. I would be honored to earn your vote!

Below are several key achievements since I was elected Superintendent. All of them took partnerships (especially the Legislature), and the real work of educators in our 295 local districts:
Our graduation rates are at an all-time high, with the fastest gains coming from native youth, students with disabilities, and low-income students;
We brought back civics as a graduation requirement;
College remediation rates are at an all-time low in both the 2-year and 4-year institutions;
Two-thirds of our high school students take at least one college course while in high school and a record number of our students are graduating high school with an Associates Degree;
We’ve ensured free school meals to over 300,000 additional students (700,000+ total);
We are at an all-time high in the percent of kids who are kindergarten-ready;
We built regional mental health networks for students, and youth anxiety and suicide is declining in Washington state;
We now have Career and Technical Education (CTE) graduation pathways and 52% of our graduates have taken two or more CTE courses (it was 38% when I took office);
We have doubled the number of our students in acceleration programs;
We are a top 15 state in the nation when it comes to the National Assessment of Education Progress;
We are diversifying our educator workforce at the fastest pace in our state’s history and are introducing teacher residencies and teacher apprenticeships;
We raised average educator salaries by 39%;
We advanced a first-in-the-nation living wage for paraeducators to the Legislature (secured first $72 million in 2024);
We secured $300 million on an annual basis for additional physical, social and emotional health staff statewide;
We expanded healthcare to tens of thousands of school employees;
We increased K-12 investments by over $5 billion per year or $4,500+ per student;
A record high 50,000+ students are engaged in dual language learning as early as kindergarten, including tribal languages;
We have increased funding to support students with disabilities to a record high (from $1.1 billion per year to $2.2 billion), and we have the highest number of students with disabilities learning in general education classrooms;
We provided learning devices to more than 300,000 students in need;
We delinked high-stakes testing from graduation;
We developed a new school accountability system;
We ensured that local timber revenue stays with local school districts; and
We grew our school construction funds for small and rural districts to its highest level ever.